Monday, July 14, 2014

i found it

today is the day that i wait for. now everything become clear and clearer. i saw the paper than i know the answer that i already throwed into garbage by them. no, i dont even want it. i really dont want it. i just wanted to know that, if i still appear for them or not. today is the day. today is the result. today is the answer of my confuse every moment.
roda itu berputar. kadang diatas kadang dibawah. tp semuanya buruh proses kan untuk keatas dan kebawah. sakitnya itu ketika udah naik tanjakan dikayuh dengan susah payah, udah hampir menuju puncak, tapi tiba tiba jatuh semuanya.
apa ak emang udh dianggp ilang kali yah hehehe. yang bikin ininih sakit adalah DILUPAKAN. bukan TERLUPAKAN. ak bener bener gatau lagi harus gimana. aku capek ngegalauin hal hal yang seharusny ga penting kaya gini. mau crita juga percuma buat ap diceritain.
they dont forget, but they dont want to remember me. i just wonder what is my fault. if i had a big mistake why dont tell me and explain. but i think theres someone who had bigger mistake than me and no one remember what she already did. huft sudahlah ga pentin. aku tau post ini gaje. ini link post bagian ga aku post kemana mana. semoga gaada yang baca dlm waktu deket ini wkakakka peace restless and gawl😅😅

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