Wednesday, May 16, 2012

english task.

oke ini hal bodoh kelas 8. Jujur ya.... dulu waktu kelas 8 aku&tasya  sering main laptop dikelas. *memalukan.
Tapi, waktu pelajaran bahasa inggris ada untungnya juga sih main laptop.. jadi kami itu dikasih tugas nulis surat gitu, aku sama tasya janjian nulis nama gitu deh mwahahha dan kami selesai cepet. terus kami janjian ngepost suratnya gitu di tumblr. gini nih isinya:

suratnya aku:
Jalan dahlia, Dumai
Nov 09, 2010
Dear tasya,
       Hi, how things with you? hope everything is ok.
       My mom and I are going to spend one month summer holiday in America soon. We will going to america two weeks more. I hope we can meet on America two weeks more.
       Oh tasyaaa, i miss youuu so….. Did you remember when us traveling on Dumai together? *jiah gila gue dah masa jalanjalan di dumai? -_-* I miss that moment! *terjadi juga kaga -_-” memang gila banget gue wk* I hope we can traveling on America too.. Please excuse for this letter. Bye! See you!

sangat sangat singkat. maklum ya,pemager..wkwk

suratnya tasya:

Jalan Anggrek 16, Sunshine city
Nov 09
   Dear Farah,
   Hi farah! how’re u? hope u always in God guidace..
   Well, I’ll tell u ‘bout the halloween celebration in my country(Neverland). Just like the other country, several people wear ghost costume and several children go home to home to beg several candy while singing. but there’re several different thing, like: *sorry, ak lupa apa-apa aj yg ak bikin..* . the funniest thing that happen in the last Halloween is I was pelted with cupcake by nanny (actually it’s on purpose) in front of all my friend (I was in my friend party). everybody laugh at me.huh —”
ok, that’s all that i can tell. I hope u’d like to tell me ‘bout halloween celebration in your country. bye…
Your pen friend,

tap begitulah ceritanya. ntah kenapa aku ngakak MWEHEHEHE.

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